We love kids! From their first exciting tooth, the journey to adulthood begins and good oral health begins then too. The primary, or “baby” teeth play a critical role is the proper development of the jaw which affects proper speech and digestion. They also lay the groundwork for guiding the permanent (secondary) teeth into place. Therefore, we strongly encourage parents and guardians to bring your child for their first visit shortly after their first birthday.
We make it fun, safe and gentle and, as we all know, first impressions are everything at that age. They will develop a comfort level with “going to the dentist.” Equally important, we can get a peek at early health issues, both positive and negative, that we can address as necessary. Again, prevention is better than the cure. We will teach you how to teach them to brush, floss and continue to practice good oral hygiene at home. We will also provide you with tips and techniques to help get your child through those difficult teething months.
Make it a family day – Mom, Dad, kids – everyone comes together to get their check-ups – it’s perfect for the kids and it’s a great healthy practice for the family.